La nueva miniexcavadora eléctrica 15X

La nueva miniexcavadora eléctrica 15X

After years of study that have perfected the initial project, the first example of an electric mini-excavator has now been completed: the brand new 15X.

This models has a lithium battery integrated in the rear compartment and it is equipped with an on-board battery charger for domestic users (slow charging) and an external battery charger for construction site users (fast charging) which proves to be very useful, for example during short breaks. In terms of autonomy, the goal is to cover the entire working day, considering a possible short recharge during the lunch break. The 15X is the first fully electric model of the Eurocomach range, ideal for working indoors, underground construction sites or sensitive places where its low noise level and absence of emissions are particularly appreciated.

The marketing of this first electric model is expected by 2023 and subsequently the range will be completed at least up to the 5 ton segment.

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