Women Academy


From 3 to 14 July we launched the Women Academy program in San Piero for nine women .

The idea was born from the desire to embrace the theme of em>diversity inclusion, , combined with the need to insert labor on the lines assembly in the headquarters of San Piero.

The girls involved in the project come from areas of expertise other than that of engineering, with main origin from the food industry.

Valeria Barilà, Head of Recruiter and Training in Sampierana, tells how the Women Academy project was born:

We noticed that the CVs received for production line positions were sent by women with a different work background than usual. At that point came the idea to start from those who had the will to get involved, preparing specific training programs. We have thus made available our staff and all the tools available to help new recruits to introduce their skills in a different field. In addition, we have also pursued another important objective: the enhancement of the resources present in the area.

The idea of creating a series of pre-work training aimed at women to convey knowledge and techniques related to the production of excavators has proven successful.

They are almost all local women, an added value for us and for the company that continues to offer possibilities to those who live in this territory through a continuous attention to the themes of diversity and inclusion.

Today the new colleagues have officially joined the Production team, starting a modern and innovative path for Sampierana.

We decided to tell the project through a series of interviews with the people involved that will be shared on our social channels.

Follow us on the channel Youtube to hear the voices and stories of strong Women Academy over the coming months.

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