Female engineering at Eurocomach


The face of Annapaola, mechanical designer of the Eurocomach team, immediately catches the attention of those who walk through the technical office on the ground floor. Among the many male faces, hers and those of her two colleagues emerge strongly and leave room for a clear, but not obvious message: engineering has a female component here at Sampierana.

We asked her to tell us her story, her journey and what it means, today, to work in a sector still perceived as distant from the world of women.

Tell us about your studies. You told me you graduated in Mechanical Engineering right? Where did you study?

Yes, I am a mechanical engineer and I studied in Lecce. I was already working in Brindisi as a mechanical engineer in the aeronautical sector, but out of love I came here. And I was lucky enough to meet Sampierana.

How did your adventure in Sampierana begin? Did you find a job advertisement?

My partner works here in the area and I was looking for employment in the area to join her. I found Sampierana’s ad on Linkedin and sent in my application. It was a few days before I received a call and, when I had my interview, they explained that they were surprised that I had chosen the location in San Piero. They would have rather expected me to apply for the Lecce office.

How difficult was the interview?

No, it was not complex for me. I really appreciated the informal environment that was created already during the selection phase thanks to the HR team and the head of the technical team. I did not perceive the usual barrier between manager and candidate and that impressed me positively.

When you arrived, did you fit the role?

Yes absolutely. The search was for mechanical designer, I was really interested in starting to design and make something of my own. However, I asked my managers and the team in general to continue supporting me in horizontal training. It is important for me to continue branching out.

What specifically does your work consist of?

The technical team and I are totally dedicated to the design of the machines, taking care of every aspect, from the simple basic idea to the fine-tuning of the more complex details such as brackets, quick couplings, motor mounts and so on. Every day we face different challenges and the range of areas that come together in an idea means that we are always learning something new. What I have appreciated the most so far has been the opportunity to be involved in new projects, being given concrete responsibilities right from the start. I believe that a person really gives his best when he feels responsible for his work and actively contributes to its success.

What would you recommend to a woman who wants to follow your path?

Basically, I always wish for people to do what they love. As mentioned, my driving force has always been my curiosity as well as my desire to dispel the common myth that engineering is just ‘man’s stuff’. Engineering is, like any other discipline, a field accessible to anyone, regardless of gender. You just need to have a strong passion for it.

Women in Sampierana

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